Keyframes Street Stories
A plastic installation intended for public places
First occurrence of the KEYFRAMES project, created on the occasion of the Fête des Lumières of Lyon 2011, this 360 ° visible installation has since traveled around the world.
KEYFRAMES is a nocturnal plastic art installation designed for public spaces. Luminous characters invade the chosen sites.
Designed according to the principle of decomposition of movement – chronophotography – and kinetics, these characters are arranged in precise positions in space to recreate stories during programmed lighting sequences with sound.
KEYFRAMES creates a bridge between sculpture and cinema, a scripted plastic art, a festive show transforming the space in which it takes place.
Through micro-narratives, offers narration within the city, urban stories where bodies and their movements play the lead roles.
The work of Eadweard Muybridge and Etienne-Jules Marey at the end of the 19th century nurtured the reflection of KEYFRAMES project designers on decomposition of motion and chronophotography.
Indeed, through their positioning in space, the keyframes reproduce the various stages of the movement of a subject, materializing time, sublimating ordinary gestures.
The KEYFRAMES project proposes the materialization of chronophotography using new technological tools. Lights-Sculptures, sound elements and computer programming.
The techniques used provide a paradoxical vision, between discontinuity and illusion of movement, accuracy and poetic reverie, scientific and aesthetic interest.
3D Simulation
The KEYFRAMES installation, prior to its concrete realization, is the subject of an animated 3D simulation of all its components, including the place in which it is registered. This step guarantees the conformity and accuracy of the result compared to the design phase. The software used is Blender (3D simulation), Ableton Live (sound creation) and Unity 3D (light programming).
As it creates in situ, KEYFRAMES draws on the existing environment and includes a reflection on how elements should be fixed in its development phase. Safety and aesthetics are criteria taken into account.
3D simulations are made from the modelization of the places to be animated, and the priority for all the KEYFRAMES paths invented is the simplicity of hanging devices. It is the imprint of movements that predominate as nocturnal sculptures.
Because of their lightness, the keyframes can be installed in the sites in very daring ways.
Structure plan for Seoul (KOR), October 2017
Annimated 3D simulation for the Fête des Lumières of Lyon 2011
In the Press
I Light Marina Bay – SINGAPOUR 2012
My Paper du 9 mars 2012
“Visiting I Light fest ? Park at Marina Bay Link Mall”
“LIGHT FANTASTIC : Lit-up stick figures beneath the Singapore Flyer are one of more than 31 light art installation of I Light Marina Bay.”
Fête des Lumières de Lyon 2011
Le Progrès du 9 décembre 2011
“Notées sur dix, nos dix mises en lumières incontournables”
“9/10 Ce sont des silhouettes lumineuses qui semblent s’agiter au gré de la musique. “KEYFRAMES” anime la place de la République. Il y a longtemps qu’on avait pas eu quelque chose d’aussi festif.”
Le Progrès du 10 décembre 2011
“Les petits bonshommes bondissants de la place de la République” d’Agnès Pierre
“Inventivité. Coup de projecteur sur “KEYFRAMES”, une mise en lumière particulièrement originale et plébiscitée par le public…”
Site internet “Lyon visite”, décembre 2011
“Notre coup de coeur n°1 – Les robots de la place de la République, une grande créativité”
“Des références à la danse, au sport, au manga, une musique inspirée, une utilisation rusée de l’espace ouvert de la fontaine […] que dire d’autre de cette animation bluffante de créativité ?… dire quelque chose qui fait très chaud au coeur : ce sentiment enthousiasmant de se sentir réunis, d’être ensemble. Cela vient de notre disposition en tant que spectateurs AUTOUR de l’animation et non “FACE A” elle…
Vous l”aurez compris, c”est notre préférée.”
Site internet France 3 Rhône-Alpes, décembre 2011
“…Thomas Veyssiere nous raconte la vie d’une place de village, à travers une scénographie captivante et ludique.”
Groupe LAPS
70, rue Douy Delcupe
93100 Montreuil - FRANCE
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